Saturday, March 8, 2014

How to delete a property in Google Analytics

I must agree that first time users can find Google Analytics really overwhelming if they aren't used to any analytics tools at all. I am too a beginner in the world of web analytics although in the past I have worked for a startup organisation that is behind a popular A/B Testing tool called Visual Website Optimizer and has some functionalities similar to that of Google Analytics but I still believe I do not have a systemic knowledge of Analytics and how they work. As a result of this, I embarked on a journey to learn about Analytics using Google Analytics Academy free online courses.

During the fundamentals course, I got stuck with trying to delete a property of my Test account inside by Google Analytics account and hence a little bit of research into it revealed, actually there's no button that says "DELETE PROPERTY". In order to delete a property, you have to actually delete all the views inside that property.

Just before I show the steps to delete property, as a word of caution, please be aware properties and views once deleted cannot be recovered.

So here are the steps as follows:

  • Sign in to your Analytics account. Click Admin in the menu bar at the top of any Analytics page.

  • In the Account drop-down, select the account from which you want to delete a property.
  • Click on image to enlarge

  • Now in the Property drop-down, select the property that you want to delete.
  • Click on image to enlarge

  • For each view present under the selected property, go to View Settings and click on Delete View link present in the extreme right bottom of Report View Settings page
  • Click on image to enlarge

    Repeat this for each view under that property.

    Once all the views are deleted, voila! property is gone!!

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