Thursday, February 7, 2013

Working Offline in Firefox for Windows

Here's a quick tip if like me you are into bit of developing or doing HTML related stuff / web designing stuff or just generally like to do other things in your Firefox browser apart from using it to browse the Internet.

Firefox logo

I have a limited bandwidth as a result of which I often want to work off the internet especially on Firefox as back-end processes such as automatic updates, syncing of user data, etc. keeps running the moment you start Firefox on your computer.

Here's the way how you can work offline on Firefox for Windows:

Simply click the Firefox button on the top left side of your Firefox Browser > Web Developer > Work Offline.

What you say about this feature of Firefox? Drop in comments below!

1 comment:

  1. I believe that working offline is the near future, see

    —Emiel Vermeulen


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