Sunday, July 17, 2011

Using Kaplan En-Gage on a Mac Computer

Hey Friends,

Back in the year 2010, which was during my first semester of Kaplan Financial in London, I got to know about En-Gage which is an online portal for Kaplan Students. Those who are unaware of what it is and how it works, I would suggest you to visit this link

En-Gage is basically an online study portal, where in registered Kaplan Students or those who have purchased any material from Kaplan can see their material online, read articles related to their study topics, see pre-tuition tests with their solutions, have Fixed Tests for every major topic in their syllabus and most of all, an interim assessment and a Final Assessment, which is basically one of the most recommended tests that you should give just a couple of weeks before your exam, and this should be given in Exam Scenario, which means, strict time must be followed and should be given all in one sitting, it has to be like actual Exam as if you were sitting in Examination Hall.

I recently got to know about the troubles that Mac users face when they try to access En-Gage mostly on their in built browser like Safari, The video lectures / recordings don't open up properly, or sometimes the study modules or online versions of the study text books don't work properly and many a times, people are just not able to see any content whatsoever, just because they were not using Internet Explorer on a Windows based computer, however, En-Gage was recently under maintenance for a couple of days, i think from 6 Jul 2011 till 8 Jul 2011, and basically they were doing some major changes to it, one of the most important one being, single sign in, which means, just one username and password to access your all details as a student in Kaplan as well as to use En-gage on Kaplan.

After this maintenance, I did send an email to En-Gage Support team which is actually quite responsive, in regards to incompatibility with Mac Computers along with a request to at least add support for other Browsers like Chrome or Firefox so that Mac users can get something to use, its better than nothing whatsoever, and in return I received an email from them, quoting that they might consider support for Mac in near future however, they have added support for Firefox this time, and that, if you can use Firefox on your Mac (which obviously we can) then you can access En-Gage very well on your Mac.

As a result of this, I just tried it today to access En-Gage after having updated to latest version of Firefox, which is Firefox 5.0.1, and i realised, it was actually working really nice.

How you can download Firefox (latest version), pleas CLICK HERE.

So, all you Mac users wanting to use En-Gage, please don't bother yourself with installing Windows through Boot Camp just because your Studies demand so, they don't actually, you can use En-Gage just like all other Windows users out there.

All the best! Cheers!


  1. Deep, you're a hero. My Windows PC failed and I made a spur of the moment decision to buy a Mac (sucked in by the fabulous graphics and the fun of using a magic mousepad) but then fear struck when I couldn't access Engage. Your article is clear, concise and comes complete with a working link to take all such further stress away. A few clicks later and I was up and running. How sad that Kaplan can't achieve the same results with such timely articles or updates.

  2. Hello, Its great to know my articles proved useful to you. I thought the same thing when I made decision to Purchase Mac, but had to go through glitches to be able to use En-Gage on it, just then, it struck my mind to post an article on it, and here we are.. If not many at least one person benefitted from that...

    My Article writing purpose is achieved by reading this comment.


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